Friday, December 21, 2007

Bodies of Water

The Bodies of Water are quite a gem. The band includes two men and two women, all talented and using this seemingly rare combination to create great music. The group sings often all at once, creating a signature sound that is not easy to be found elsewhere. Varying styles keep their music fresh and continuously exciting. Keep an eye out for them on the December mixtape.

These Are The Eyes - Bodies of Water
I Guess I'll Forget the Sound I Guess I Guess - Bodies of Waer
Doves Circle The Sky - Bodies of Water

Official Site
Ears Will Pop & Eyes Will Blink @

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tokyo Police Club

Tokyo Police Club consists of four talented Canadian boys. The lads progressed their band from garage status up into being an award-winning entity. Combining interesting electronic elements to punchy rock lyrics, TPC stands above the rest as a truly excellent and unique band. Destined for success, and after their success in Canada, the boys will hit the international mainstream before you know it.

Nature of the Experiment
- Tokyo Police Club
Cheer It On - Tokyo Police Club

Tokyo Link Club
Official Website
A Lesson In Crime on
Smith EP on [NEW!]